

Cherry Cutlery

Cherry Cutlery

Richard Cherry, a retired businessman who had an experience with the Chris Foster in a prior opportunity, contacted the FosDog when he was ready to venture into a personal passion of his, knives. The FosDog designed a brand new website, including a new name, new logo, and a clever brand to match Richard's surname. The […]

Hickory BBQ & Grill

In 2017, Dale Lockwood of Hickory BBQ asked us to re-vamp their site to include WooCommerce - selling Daley's BBQ products (BBQ Sauce, Rubs and Seasonings). We updated their theme and combined the two main elements to keep true to their respective brands.

Zet’s Vintage Store

Musette Lax came to us with a Shopify Store that just wasn't working for her. We talked to her about the design benefits of WooCommerce and the features of "owning" her own e-commerce store, instead of having to pay a large monthly fee to a third-party company. We imported all 2500 of her products from […]

Duncan’s Highland Supply

In the makings for over a year, Andrew Duncan wanted a mobile-friendly, modern, and magnificent WooCommerce site and FosDog delivered. Duncans Highland Supply specializes in Highland and Bagpipe supplies.