

Millions of users all over the world have websites with WordPress.

Here and there, new content management systems (CMS) have started to pop up and challenge WordPress, which started in 2003 as an application for making blogs. Joomla specializes in portal sites, and Drupal has great versatility for more advanced users.

But WordPress is still the best. Almost a 30% of all websites now use it, including 27.7% of the top million sites on the Internet, and here are 7 good reasons why.

1. It’s Constantly Improving

Each update to WordPress has more and more standard features, which are geared toward the needs of users that now include all different types of content, including government and corporate websites and e-commerce sites. With over 38,000 plugins available, the options for what you can do are just about endless.

2. You Don’t Need to Know HTML to Use It

Sure, there are options to look at the code behind your pages and rewrite parts of it, but WordPress can be used just fine by those who don’t know a thing about HTML. Both Joomla and Drupal require a greater knowledge of the technical aspects of the software to customize anything, which limits usage.

3. It Doesn’t Cost Much

The basic software and many of the plugins are completely free. There are custom themes and some plugins that cost money, but compared to professional web development, which can cost thousands of dollars, spending $100 for a theme and a few specialized plugins seems like a good deal.

4. Built-In SEO

Without specialized plugins or even really knowing much about search engine optimization (SEO), WordPress can optimize your posts almost automatically, without much effort on your part. SEO is important for just about any website, so it’s good to know WordPress has this one covered.

5. Easy to Install

It is possible with WordPress hosting to download and install WordPress without ever handling any of the files yourself. Your web host should be able to walk you through their particular process, and there are detailed directions all over the web if they don’t.


WordPress offers many ways to make a website just the way users want.

6. Active Support Process

WordPress doesn’t have a support phone number you can call, but it does have an extremely active support community of forums that will respond to questions and emails in a relatively short period of time. Follow up is also fairly good if you have further questions.

7. It’s International

People in countries all over the world use WordPress, which is an advantage for those whose websites are multi-national or located in remote countries. Plugins handle translation into different languages to accommodate just about anyone.

WordPress may not be the only platform for creating websites, but it is still the most widely used, and it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. For ease of use and almost infinite variety, it is still the best option out there today.

Envato Market Software provides the highest quality WordPress plugins to help your WordPress website do exactly as you need it to do. Support is always provided to make the process of customizing your website foolproof.

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